ChatGPT Has Seen a Decrease in User Traffic For the First Time

With AI technology becoming increasingly advanced, people are using them more frequently for various purposes. One of the most famous AI tools to date is ChatGPT by OpenAI. However, it has seen its first decline ever since it was launched.

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ChatGPT User Decline

As of late, the user traffic on both mobile and desktop has decreased. Compared to last month's statistics, it has seen a 9.7% decline worldwide. Before this month's report, ChatGPT was steadily gaining users and continued to be popular from late 2022 to early 2023.

ChatGPT, although one of the leading tools in the AI sector, is also bound to see losses. Microsoft Bing, Google Bard, and Character.AI already have fewer visitors as well in the last few months, as reported by Engadget.

There are many reasons for the loss of traffic. For one, people could've gotten over the excitement of using the advanced app. It could also have something to do with college students going on their summer break and not needing the chatbot at the moment.

ChatGPT has been useful when it comes to academic works, especially since it generates various information from several sources with just a text prompt. Although, it could still be unreliable as it is capable of fabricating information.

Despite the drop in traffic and the potential to create information by itself, it is already being used by other companies for certain roles, sometimes one that is meant for a human such as a copywriter. Some have even lost their jobs to the chatbot.

Even with the recent stats of ChatGPT, OpenAI is not entirely at a loss. OpenAI CEO Sam Altman expressed that the cost of running the service was high, and a drop in usage just means that they won't have to spend as much to keep the AI chatbot running smoothly.

Read Also: GPT-4: What It Is and What It Can Do

What Are the Things You Can Do with ChatGPT?

The chatbot has a lot of uses and it can serve as a convenience for those who need a digital assistant. Given that it runs with generative AI, it can provide you with ideas and information in just a few seconds. All you need is the right text prompts.

For instance, if you need an entire story summarized, you can just ask the chatbot to explain the plot of the narrative in one paragraph, and it will do so for you. This makes it easier for you to write essays about it, although that might bring up ethical concerns./

With the mobile app, you can even use it as a translator when you're traveling to places foreign to you. According to Forbes, it is capable of translating text into 95 languages. The advanced model is also capable of troubleshooting and creating simple code for you.

Without having to look through several pages and websites, you can ask the chatbot to plan a trip for you. It will bear the work of searching through the web for the best activities and suggest them to you all in one place, and that's just a few examples seeing as it can do a lot more.

Related: OpenAI's GPT-4 is Now Accessible to Developers Through Its API

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