Windows 10's Releases Wallpaper Made of Light

Its release date is not until July 29. But Windows 10 has already unveiled the default wallpaper for the new operating system.  The new wallpaper shows lights coming out of the edges and around the company's famous logo. 

The software company created Windows' new trademark image in San Francisco. The Microsoft team employed Tron Legacy artist and motions graphic designer Bradley G Munkowitz (Gmunk) to lead the creative team. The resulting image is a product of camera-mapping technique, lasers, and projectors. They were used with two installations specifically built to create the company's logo out of light.

Smoke machines and colored filters were also used to achieve the look of the new wallpaper. Blue laser lights were used to make the edges glow. The desktop background image is called Windows 10 Hero Wallpaper. 

"The project's all about one-point perspective, and ... looking at the logo itself as a portal that was allowing us to look into space," Munkowitz said in a PC Magazine online report. 

Netizens took to the minimalist design. Online reviews laud the "modern and exciting" effect it will lend to Windows 10. The making of the wallpaper image is also a popular topic in tech blogs today. A review from Hot Hardware says that it looks like a live image. Thus, an ICXM reviewer commented that it initially "looked a bit bland", but presented that the work behind the wallpaper projected "shows how much faith Microsoft has in Windows 10."

The new wallpaper is set to be onscreen as soon as the Windows 10 OS has been released in the market. Before Windows 10 Hero, the software company's notable wallpaper is Bliss. The scenic image was XP 2001's default wallpaper. As with Bliss, Windows claims to not have used Photoshop to achieve the light effect on its newest wallpaper. Windows is known for not using photo-enhancing programs to create its desktop backgrounds. 

The video below shows the making of the Windows 10 Hero.

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