What are the Principle of Good Software Development?

(Photo : What are the Principle of Good Software Development?)

Software development principle are a list of approaches, philosophies, style and best practices introduced by some of the software engineers and author of this industry. If you want your project becomes a board in the future you should maintaining or modifying. By this you can eventually save money, time and resources. There are a few tips and hints that can be help you implements clean codes. 

1. KISS (Keep it Simple Stupid!) :- This principle has been far reaching applications for everything from human relationship to product development. The KISS principle ensures software development company's developers programming is simple and clear to understand, avoid complexity, it reminds software developers to write code that's easy to maintain and implement and when they modifying or changing it, the code shouldn't give human problem.  your method should not exceeding 40-50 lines, it need to be small. 

    If you have a lot of conditions in your project, make sure should broken them into smaller blocks of codes. Because software system work best when they are kept simple so each method should solve only one problem. 

    2. DRY ( Don't Repeat Yourself) :- Don't repeat yourself when you are writing your code. This principle aims at reducing copy- pasting your code in different places. Otherwise, it will be difficult to maintain in future. The reason behind is that in future you will have to make changes to the coding in those different places. 

      This DRY principle promoters reusability without having to repeat it. It helps the code more maintainable, more extensible and less buggy. You can also extract a common logic into functions to avoid such a pit fall. 

      These are some concepts in software development engineering that are based on the DRY principle:- 

      • Inheritance and commission :- These both are allow you to write code in one place and then reuse it at other places. 

      • Database Normalization:- It is a design technique used in database to eliminate repetition of data. 

      3. YAGNI ( You Are Not Gonna Need It) :- Most software development company fall trying to implement  all the functionality at once, from the word go. Like, KISS principle, this YAGNI principle also aim at avoiding complexity, that arises from adding functionality that you suppose you may need in future and in the end, some or most of these functionality become useless, it is also called the "Extreme Programming (XP)" . In software development engineering, avoiding features that unnecessary is a good practise. It also saves time, costs and efforts that you would have wasted in trying o understand or debug the code. YAGNI always help you keep your software lean and simple. 

        4. Avoid Premature Optimization :- Optimization is a very important and necessary process to refactor the application, spend it up, and reduce the consumption of system resources. Many developers carry out pre optimization at the early stages of development. It can become more harm than good. It should be better to use a simple, but not the most optimal approach at first. The effect of premature optimization the requirement may change and the code will be trashed while you are initially implementing the most optimal algorithm. 

          5. S.O.L.I.D :- SOLID is a list of  5 object oriented programming and design principle. 

            Let's go trough each of the following software engineering principle one by one:- 

            • SRR ( Single Responsibility Principle) :- It states that a class should have only one  reason to change or we can say, it must have only one responsibility. Here we are talking about cohesion. It makes the code more organised end also improve the readability of the code. This SRR software principle prevents coupling of responsibilities and improve the design overall cohesion. 
            • Open/ Closed Principle (OCP);- During the software  development process, many times requirements can change and requested for new functionality. For the process this principle convey that after a class of code has been created and trusted. It means you should be able to change the behaviour of class without modifying it. You can't open it for minor modifications. 

            • Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP) :- In this development principle, the object of your superclass should be replaceable with object of its subclass because they behave in the same ways. This software development principle try to prevent cases where classes are extended  only through common things. 

            • Interface Segregation Principle ( ISP) :- This principle's goal is to have finely grained and client specific interface. It prefers many specific interface to a general interface. In these interfaces have many behaviours are hard to maintain and evolve. So, you should avoid them. It states that the client of the class should not be forced to depend on methods. It does bot use. 

            • Dependency Inversion Principle ( DIP):- It tries to avoid tough coupling between the software modules. It means high level modules should not depend on low level modules, only on their abstractions. Abstraction should be independent of details. Because details should depend on abstractions. 

            6. Measure twice and cut once:- A software development company should first think about choosing the right problem, choosing the right approach to the problem right tools to solve the problem, also assembling the right team, choosing metrics to measure and monitor the end solution before start building functionality. 

            Only after implementing on a pre- designed plan even if you are completely sure about it. This principle gives much more predictable outcomes, especially it the project's cost investment is already too high. It is a core principle of software engineering 


            Every software professional has got to have guiding principles. In serving their clients these principle and guidelines foster unity among the professional. These above principle highly recommended for developers to keep in mind when developing application.  

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