Evvy On The 7 Things All Folks Should Know About Vaginal Health

(Photo : Evvy On The 7 Things All Folks Should Know About Vaginal Health)

If you feel like talking about your vagina can feel intimidating or embarrassing, you're not alone. Because they are associated with sexuality and privacy (not to mention endless taboos), discussing your reproductive organs with anyone can bring up feelings of shame and modesty that make it hard to speak honestly and openly. 

Despite these hindrances, learning about how to care for and keep your vagina healthy is essential for taking control of both your preventative and reactive health. To kick things off, we've shared seven science-backed facts every person should know about the vagina and its relationship to the health and general well being of more than 50% of our global population.

1. Understand the importance-and power-of your vaginal microbiome

You may never have heard of it, but it's crucial to your health! The vaginal microbiome is a complex ecosystem of bacteria, fungi, and more that lives in your vagina.  Within this microbial community, protective bacteria play an important role in maintaining your vagina's health while fighting off potentially disruptive bacteria from colonizing this delicately balanced environment.

In recent years, the vaginal microbiome has captured the attention of doctors and scientists around the world, as research has revealed that its composition can determine the risk for a host of health conditions including gynecological cancers, fertility complications, pelvic inflammatory disease, and STIs.  

2. At-home vaginal health testing is now affordable and accessible

Historically, metagenomic vaginal microbiome testing has been prohibitively expensive. Luckily, in the past year, testing has become more affordable with the help of companies like Evvy. People are now able to access an intricate map of their vaginal microbiome with just a single swab from the comfort of their homes.  

"There have been researchers who have been highlighting the vaginal microbiome's critical role in female health for a decade, and we are using our platform to share their findings and make them uniquely insightful based on each individual's background," explains Priyanka Jain, Evvy Co-Founder & CEO. "We've essentially codified and made accessible all of this information that could help someone better understand their vaginal health."

3. Pay attention to your vaginal pH

Like many organs in your body, your vaginal relies on a specific pH to function at its best. In the vagina's case, the pH serves as a rough indicator for the ratio of protective bacteria to disruptive fungi and microbes.  There's a fine art to keeping your vagina healthy. One of the things that you shouldn't overlook is your vaginal pH. Believe it or not, this is a rough indicator of how much protective bacteria you have in your vaginal microbiome.

Like your hormones, the vaginal  pH fluctuates for a variety of reasons. Some common activities-such as sexual intercourse and menstruation-can affect your levels. For example, if you have penetrative sex with a penis, semen may cause your pH levels to rise temporarily and your vaginal microbiome to become more alkaline. That's because semen has a higher pH than what is optimal for your vagina, which tends to be more acidic and hovers around 3.8-4.5.

Just like having a fever is a vital sign correlated to the flu - but not necessarily a tool for diagnosing it - pH can be used as a metric for better understanding your vagina, and noticing when any problems arise.

4. Don't waste your money on pH balancing products (or really anything other quick fixes that claims to be a vaginal miracle worker)

Since you want to keep your pH levels in check, you may be tempted to look for a quick fix. There's now a rainbow array of products that claim to "balance your vaginal pH." As the old saying goes, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Recent research suggests that pH balancing products have 'little to no effect'.

5. Your lifestyle could affect your vaginal health

Keeping your vagina healthy should be your top priority, especially as it is intrinsically linked to your general wellness. So, what affects your vaginal microbiome (and in turn your vaginal pH) and can you control it? Yes!

There are some all-around great things you can do to take care of your vaginal microbiome - and you may have heard them before: never douche, avoid scented or perfumed products down there, wash sex toys and underwear regularly, and change out of wet swimsuits as soon as you can.

If you notice any abnormalities-such as discharge or a weird smell-it's always best to speak to a doctor. Understanding what is causing these changes will help you tackle the issue head-on.

6. Vaginal discharge is healthy and normal

Contrary to what you may have heard, not all vaginal discharge is a sign that something is out of balance. It's very common to have some discharge at various points throughout your menstrual cycle. What's more, you may find that this discharge changes-in color, texture, and smell-depending on the point you're at. This discharge is proof that your vagina is cleaning itself!

Every woman is different, and so it pays to keep an eye on any type of vaginal discharge you have. The only time that this fluid is a sign of something wrong is when it differs from your version of normal. For that reason, you should look for drastic changes in the color, texture, or smell of your discharge. When you notice these, they could point to an underlying issue. Taking the time to better understand your microbiome and looking after your vaginal health could help you prevent these changes and avoid infections.

7. Explore prebiotics and probiotics

Want to keep your vagina healthy and in balance? While there's not a 'one size fits all' solution, one approach may be to add more prebiotics and probiotics to your diet. Probiotics are living bacteria that can be naturally found in certain types of food, such as fermented products. On the other hand, prebiotics is the name given to the carbs and dietary fibers that help probiotics to grow and survive.

In short, adding prebiotic and probiotic-rich foods to your diet plan could help to enhance your vaginal health. Examples of probiotic foods include kimchi, sauerkraut, and yogurt. Prebiotics can be found in a variety of ingredients including bananas, greens, onions, garlic, and whole grains. Take the time to see what diet works for you and your health.

The Takeaway!

Vaginal health has long been an under-researched area of wellness. Luckily, that's set to change. Every day, we are learning more about this fascinating and important topic. If you're looking to keep your vagina in balance and healthy, it's worth staying up to date on the latest developments. Additionally, you can invest in an at-home vaginal microbiome test to learn more about the makeup of your vaginal microbiome. Knowledge is power!

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