Copywriter Claims That Company Replaced Her with ChatGPT

People have been getting nervous about being replaced in their jobs, and it's not even by another human being but by AI. Some companies think that employing artificial intelligence would be more efficient and helps cut costs, and people are already losing jobs because of it.

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ChatGPT Replaces Copywriter

A copywriter claims that she had been replaced at her job in a tech startup by ChatGPT, the famed chatbot created by OpenAI. The former tech copywriter, Olivia Lipkin, started suspecting as the company's internal Slack group started talking about AI.

Articles about how to use AI tools like ChatGPT were sent in the group chat. Harshly, Lipkin says that she was even called "Olivia/ChatGPT" while she was still employed by the company, which was an indication of an impending layoff.

The managers had also expressed how using the chatbot would cost less than paying human writers, which further adds to the argument that Lipkin was fired over AI. According to India Today, the former copywriter was eventually fired without explanation.

Lipkin revealed that she felt insecure and anxious when people brought up the OpenAI chatbot thinking that it would replace her. After getting laid off, she added that her anxieties were warranted and that she was actually out of a job because of AI.

This story proves that AIs replacing jobs is inevitable, and it is already starting to affect white-collar jobs. In fact, the former copywriter intends to stay away from the corporate industry for a while and decided to take a job as a dog walker.

In an interview, Lipkin stated that people are looking for the cheapest solution, which is a robot and not a person. She added that she is taking a break "from the office world." Surveys show that Lipkin is not the only employee affected by the fast-paced development of AI.

A job advice platform survey states that some US-based companies have been employing ChatGPT instead of humans, with 1,000 business leaders saying that they have replaced human employees with the OpenAI chatbot to streamline job responsibilities.

Read Also: Writers Guild of America Proposes Using AI as a Tool To Write Scripts

Should You Be Worried About Your Job?

There is data showing that AI has already affected almost 4,000 jobs in May 2023. Roles that have been impacted the most include creative, administrative, and clerical work, where AI works instead through automated tasks.

In fact, Goldman Sachs predicted that AI would eventually replace 300 million full-time jobs globally, which accounts for one-fifth of employment, as mentioned in CBS News. This shows that although AI is creating more jobs, much more is being replaced.

Generative AI has been a threat to creatives as well. There have been reports of artists being fired by companies since there are now AI tools that can generate art through text prompts. Even chatbots show capabilities that allow them to replace humans easily.

For instance, OpenAI's latest language model, GPT-4 is capable of creating code that works. When OpenAI's president Greg Brockman tried to a website using the generated codes and JavaScript, the website worked, which proves that even programmers are not safe from the AI job takeover.

Related: GPT-4: What It Is and What It Can Do

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