Careful what you search for: Google Now remembers, and so will you

Google Now has received yet another feature, this time related to the product searches you do online, notifying you when a product is available nearby.

The search giant is constantly expanding and improving its offerings, and Google Now has received a neat treatment recently. After adding a number of updates to the Search app for Android devices, including new abilities such as working while offline or finding your car if you forgot where you parked it, Google has further enriched its Now service with new functionality.

If you often search for products online, you may forget about your searches but Google Now will not. From now on, whenever you search for a product online, Google Now will remember and will display notifications as soon as you pass by a store that has said product in stock.

This new feature is currently available only for the Android version of Google Now, and little else is known about it considering that Google has made no official announcement in this regards. The feature is also likely available only for U.S. users at this point, with a potential expansion to follow later on.

While this new functionality may prove to be quite useful for many users who don't mind sharing everything with Google's personal digital assistant, others may be embarrassed by notifications regarding their recent product searches. The most likely scenario is that users will be able to turn off this functionality if they so prefer.

Leaving aside all concerns about invading your privacy, Google's digital assistant has really matured and evolved quite impressively since its initial debut. Google Now first arrived on Android 4.1 Jelly Bean, gaining lots of praise as one of the most valuable features of that OS version. Google has constantly updated the service and added a slew of upgrades so far, gradually making it increasingly useful.

Google Now is very aware of everything you do, and if you help it by giving it access to personal bits of info it can become quite a trusted little helper. The latest update is now available on the Google Play store, ready to cater to your shopping needs by keeping track of your product searches.

If you've already experienced this new Google Now functionality on your Android device, drop by our comment section below and tell us all about it. 

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