'Street Fighter V' Updates Get The Game More Exciting

Street Fighter fans and advocates out there better brace and get ready for this new exciting update from a longtime favorite video game "Street Fighter's" makers, Capcom. The game is to have updates when it comes to characters, special moves and combos. In addition, it is said to have updates as well in fixies for all the bugs and glitches that were present from the previous versions.

According to Tech Times, Capcom announced the release of Guile, and new stages of the game will be added after the game's full launch. In line with this Guile release, there will also be new backgrounds such as Guile's Air Force Base. Despite these updates, the gamers will still observe some familiar background characters that were observable from the previous versions. Guile's character is still to retain his awesome moves and deadly attacks.

In a post from Breathcast, Guile is definitely one of the original and iconic characters in the game; hence, the character retains the iconic moves and abilities such as the Sonic Blade, the Sonic Puncher and the Sonic Hurricane. The last ability has the most devastation because it releases the Sonic Boom.

TechTimes reported that the avid players can purchase the game through shelling out 70,000 Fight Money. Moreover, the players can also play around using Guile for free but not until the game "Street Fighter V" In Game Shop opens up.

The game company said that it will crack down those players who too often disconnect from the game. The company also promises a friendly and stable environment for all gamers to enjoy the game by giving penalty system to those who quit the game too often.

So, all the gamers out there, enjoy the fun playing the reporting-on-duty Guile with his iconic moves and marvelous abilities. According to Capcom, some bugs and fixes and updates are found here.

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