Runners Think Like Musicians, Have Connected Brain

Most people wouldn't think runners and musicians have much in common. A new study though might make people change their minds about it. The study shows that runners think like musicians since both have a connected brain.

Runners are much better than sedentary individuals in many ways. That has already been established much. One more difference has been found by researchers from the University of Arizona. Brain scans of runners and sedentary people have been compared, and there is much difference in them.

Runners' brains have been found to have much functional connectivity. In simple terms, that means that different regions of the brain are much more connected than those in sedentary individuals. The research could be used to understand how exercise has a connection with brain function. The research has not yet established if that should mean differences in cognitive function.

The study has been made by University of Arizona associate professor of Anthropology David Raichlen together with Psychology professor Gene Alexander. The team has been encouraged to do the study in part because of earlier studies showing that physical activity has an effect on the brain, as told by Raichlen.

The study has also been done since there hasn't been much study made on young adults' brains. Raichlen said that what one does at a younger age can have much impact later on in old age. For the study, the participants were from the 18 to 25 years age bracket.

Earlier studies have shown that activities that require fine motor function can alter brain motor and function, according to UA News. Such activities might involve playing an instrument and those involving hand to eye coordination. Playing video games in a way then can have a benefit.

Raichlen further notes that repetitive activities could involve cognitive functions. These functions might be in the form of decision making or planning. The study might also help in preventing age-related cognitive decline later on, as Science Daily reports.

There is no doubt that running and other physical activities can be beneficial. Further benefits to it can be seen as runners think like musicians and have a connected brain. Teens are also getting healthier, as teen alcohol and drug use are down.

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