Google Updated Its Algorithm In Response To Holocaust Controversy

The world's favorite search engine, Google, has been receiving heated comments for the past weeks. This issue involves racist sites such as Neo-Nazi websites that are dominating the ranking if user types "Did the holocaust happen?" The company is already taking necessary steps to this threatening problem. One of the first things they did is to update their algorithm.

Google's Algorithm Is Updated In The Wake Of Recent Criticisms

According to BGR, Google firmly believes that search results should be prioritized by its algorithm alone. But, with the reports and proofs of third parties or hate-oriented websites placing on the first pages of the site, their credibility is in question. This might mean that their mission to "organize the world's information" is failing if false information is prevalent. One recent article said that a Google representative announced the company's effort to improve the algorithm for more high-quality and credible content on the web. He said, "We’ll continue to change our algorithms over time in order to tackle these challenges.” Aside from this it also explained that the process of tweaking its algorithm involves making scalable and systematic changes.

It appears that the changes in the algorithm are effective seeing that the Neo-Nazi websites have dropped. Although people still has to wait for more days before the update fully propagate in different countries and in using different devices.

Google Is Keen To Improve Its Search Engine After The Holocaust Controversy

"The fact that hate sites may appear in search results in no way means that Google endorses these views," said Mr. Danny Sullivan, editor of Search Engine Land. In an interview with BBC News, the Google representative talked regarding the ranking issue which also affects the result for ethnic minorities. According to them, the company is "thinking deeply" about the ways to improve search. It is also said that Google was determined to come up with a solution that is applicable to all searches and not just those that have been reported.

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