Samsung Introduces TecTiles 2 NFC Tags for Galaxy S4

Samsung Co., Ltd. announced today that an updated version of its reprogrammable TecTiles Near Field Communication stickers are available for users of its flagship Galaxy S4 smartphone.

The TecTiles 2 tags will enable the Galaxy S4 to add additional functionality. Similar to its predecessor the Galaxy SIII, a variety of tasks can be automated and multiple device settings can be quickly adjusted. With a quick swipe or tap of the smartphone, the tags can seamlessly transfer data between devices, turn down screen brightness, and check into a social network as examples.

Unlike the previous version of TecTiles which utilized an older NFC standard designed to function solely with original NFC devices, TecTiles 2 is backward-compatible and will likely work with future Samsung devices as well. In addition, the company states that the tags might be capable of interacting with other current Android-based NFC devices and works significantly faster than its earlier iteration.

Priced at $14.99 for a five pack, Galaxy S4 users can order TecTiles 2 tags today via Samsung's official site, or wait until an undetermined June date to pick up the stickers at Samsung phone retailers nationwide. Additionally, TecTiles 2 users are required to download a free corresponding application through Google's Play Store.

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