Fire Emblem Heroes Gears Up For Major Changes This Week

Prepare for more Fire Emblem Heroes content as Nintendo is planning to launch a major update soon. Fans can expect some updated mechanics and new things like a map for a certain character.

Fire Emblem Heroes Launches Its Major Update Soon

The mobile Fire Emblem title still seems to be going strong as Nintendo continues to release more content for it. Despite launching several months later than Super Mario Run, FE:H still made more money than the latter game. With that being said, it seems like Nintendo will be tweaking some of the gameplay features and bring in even more heroes from the in-game universe.

According to Phone Arena, the major update will launch on May 2 for both the iOS and Android platforms. The most notable change will be the new hero named as the "Nohrian Prince." Nintendo has shared a few of his skills, abilities and a new map fans will have to overcome if they want to recruit him.

That aside, there will also be a new Arena Renewal system which allows players to gain orbs based on their arena rank. Fans should aim higher arena tiers if they want to collect more orbs to use for summoning stronger heroes. Moreover, there are also new terrain types called "forts" which increase defense and have special effects of magic.

Make Most Of The Ongoing Event

The upcoming update will also launch with a new poll wherein players will get to vote between male and female mages. Until the update launches, fans can enjoy the ongoing "Golden Week" event to recruit powerful heroes like Azura, Ryoma, Takumi and Hector, as per Polygon. It is worth noting that some of these heroes like Takumi take the top tier spots in the game.

Fire Emblem Heroes continues to deliver fresh content with its major update, which launches very soon. Those who want to play the tactical mobile game can download it for free on Google Play or the iOS App Store.

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