Huawei P10 vs Huawei P10 Plus: Performance Comparison

Many smartphone manufacturers are building a standard-size device and an additional choice of a "plus” handset but with identical specs. However, that is not true on the Huawei P10 and P10 Plus. Here is a comparison to see how well each Huawei smartphone performs on their own.

Performance Comparison

Both Huawei P10 and P10 Plus are fast, as reviewed by An And Tech. The the two phones highlight the same processor, which is the HiSilicon Kirin 960. It is a decent chip which is mainly built to take on Samsung and Apple flagships. According to benchmarks, Huawei's chip functions a little better compared to Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 on other aspects.

When it comes to RAM and storage of the two Huawei phones, the difference is stiffer. The standard-sized device comes with 4GB RAM and a choice of 32 or 64GB of storage. On the other hand, the plus-sized comes in two variants, first is with 4GB of RAM and 64GB of storage while the second is with 6GB of RAM and 128GB of storage. Therefore, the low-tier Huawei P10 Plus is on par with the better Huawei P10.

Both Huawei P10 and P10 Plus offer a MicroSD card slot. That is a good news for all smartphone users, especially Android users who needs more storage on their device. In terms of design, the two Huawei phones are almost identical but not in performance. In fact, Huawei P10 Plus is the firm’s best phone yet plus it also takes the decent P10 in a variety of ways.

The Winner

In both objective and subjective testing, Huawei P10 produced mostly positive outcomes. Apps launch, run and response quickly Huawei P10 and switching between programs is a breeze. On the other hand, Huawei P10 Plus is a good smartphone but lacking on some aspects. In fact, according to Trusted Reviews, it has poor standby times. So performance wise, Huawei P10 is more functional than Huawei P10 Plus.


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