Twitter Removes 140 Character Limit Giving Way To Longer Tweets, GIFs, Videos And More

Today marks the end of tweet capping. Twitter has finally decided to scrap the 140 characters limit in tweets. This is to support GIFs and short videos, paving the way towards a new age or unlimited tweeting and sharing your thoughts with people.

Just now, Twitter confirmed that it is removing the 140 characters limits in tweets, the company said that starting now and into the foreseeable future, it would not be counting anything other than plain texts in tweets. That means you can now include emojis, photographs, recordings, GIFs, polls, and also quote tweets without the 140-character limit constraint.

No more capping for videos, GIFS, polls, and more!

The move by Twitter has already expected even way back in May a year ago, but it remained only an idea until now. Twitter stated in its tweet, "Say more about what's happening! Rolling out now: photos, GIFs, polls, videos, and quote Tweets are no longer counted towards your 140 characters." It's not that Twitter has totally scrapped the 140-character limit, but as we specified above, it will not count videos, GIFs, poll, and more in your tweet.

Twitter is improving Twitter

The company is centered on making Twitter a whole lot easier and faster than ever before. Now you will have the capacity to tweet interesting content and drive people to the whole conversation. The new feature is already rolling out, and you should now be able to send longer tweets including quoting tweets from now and onwards.

 The Green Badge

A little while back, the popular social networking site rolled out another facility for its users where they get their accounts verified by applying for the same. The procedure is comparatively faster and quicker, and many users now have a green badge with their Twitter account. Before this, the company used to pick people based on their work.

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