NBA 2K17 1.07 Update Goes Live; Patch Notes Available

NBA 2K17 1.07 Patch goes live on the PS4. Some patch notes are made available, through the playing community and the 2K Sports gameplay designer Mike Wang, providing details for the game's fixes.

The NBA 2K17 1.07 patch is reported to weigh  7.523 GB on the PS4, which is said to be very close to its predecessor. As for the revisions, Wang announced that over-dribbling before making shots will have a noticeable drop in terms of field goal percentages. A server-side turning update is also expected to be dispatched to nerf the effectiveness of the three-pointers.

Another change brought by the NBA 2K17 1.07 patch is the occurrence of the prior +1 stamina boosts during practice on free throws. Aside from this, in MyCourt mode, the ball possession will shift to the  opposition for the two and three-pointers instead of having the back back during a field goal in 2s pickup.

NBA 2K17 1.07 patch release date is yet to be announced for the Xbox One, the last-gen consoles and the PC. However, the file is expected to be posted on their respective servers for the next few hours or days. Meantime, NBA 2K17 now available on Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS4, PS3 and PC.

Meanwhile, Wang explained through his Twitter account about the NBA 2K17 1.07 patch. The game designer said that over-dribbling means a Left Stick that runs around, through left or right-ing, zig zagging back and forth. He also added that the game previously had the similar anti-cheese code, but eventually turned out to be not working in NBA 2K17, which prompted them to fix it.

Wang further mentioned that making the legit RS dribble moves will not be affected. Moreover, he revealed that players with good shoot off dribble ratings are expected to be affected the least, and that shot creators would actually like the NBA 2K17 1.07 patch. Watch NBA 2K17 Update 1.07 Review And Thoughts Patch 1.07 Good or Bad

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