Although many episodes of the "Naruto Shippuden" manga series have been aired, its fans still have many things to learn about Naruto and his comrades. "Naruto Shippuden" episode 484 is the beginning of a new arc. The story line of the upcoming episodes will now focus on the life of the ninja, Sasuke.
There Is Still Life After An Epic Battle
"Naruto Shippuden" Episode 484, 485 will show that life continues on for both Naruto and Sasuke after their epic battle. Some spoilers also indicate that these new episodes will focus on Sasuke and the way he will try to atone for his past sins. The title of this new arc is "Sasuke Shinden."
The scenes for the coming episodes will be based on the novel "Sasuke Shinden: Book of Sunrise." This is a novel that highlights the life and adventures of the ninja warrior. It is a story of his life's struggles and obstacles as he travels alone in order to atone for his wrongdoings.
The Uncovering Of The Mysteries Will Excite The Fans
According to Saiyan Island, Sasuke's legend also tells about his search to uncover the mysteries. Fans of "Naruto Shippuden" Episode 484, 485 will be able to know more about the person and character of Sasuke, the warrior. He is the only one left in the Konohagure clan. And these episodes will dig deeper into his previous and present life.
Fans will be able to know about his feelings and actions against his brother, Itachi Uchiha, who also murdered all the members of his clan. The upcoming episodes will also feature the friendship of Naruto and Sasuke. Some spoilers say that this new arc will be featured in four episodes.
These upcoming episodes will dwell on Sasuke's revenge over his past life that will not endanger those that he loved. There are rumors that say this new arc will start airing on Dec. 1, 2016 for "Sasuke Shinden: The Book of Sunrise." Then it will be followed on Dec. 8 by "Sasuke Shinden: The Book of Sunrise - Colosseum."